Hi, I’m Elizaveta, a recent doctoral graduate from Georgia Tech.
I am currently on the job market.
I am currently on the job market. I am interested in full-time positions for geospatial economics in tech or commercial firms as well as government agencies. In particular, I hope to find opportunities to apply GIS methods to economic problems.
Research Interests: Applied microeconomics, international trade, labor economics, geospatial analysis, transportation.
I am currently a consultant working for Carnegie Mellon University. I recently completed my doctoral studies in Economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. In addition to economics, I recently completed my studies towards an M.S. in Geographic Information Science & Technology at Georgia Tech.
My research interests within economics are applied microeconomics and international trade. Currently, my research focuses on integrating the fields of economics and GIS.
Career Overview
Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, I grew up in St. Louis, MO.
I completed my BS in Economics from Arizona State University in 3 years. While at ASU, I minored in Math and German and earned an International Business Certificate. I also studied abroad twice: Managerial Accounting in Florence, Italy (Summer 2012) and two International Economics courses at the London School of Economics (Summer 2013). I was actively involved in multiple organizations (Phi Beta Lambda, Russian Student Association, and German Club) at ASU, as both a member and leader.
After graduation, I completed a 9.5 month M.Sc. in Economics and Finance at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (now, Barcelona School of Economics) within Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Upon completing my studies, I began my studies at Indiana University – Bloomington, where I earned an M.A. in Economics.
Since 2017, I have been a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where I have earned an M.S. in Economics. Recently, I have completed my M.S. in Geographic Information Science & Technology in May 2022, and I am working towards completing my PhD in Economics in May 2023.
While at Georgia Tech, I taught ECON 2101 The Global Economy (covers principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics in 1 course) for 2 semesters online in an asynchronous format: Summer 2020 (53 students) and Spring 2021 (73 students). I also assisted with 9 different undergraduate courses and 4 graduate courses across 11 semesters, where I taught weekly recitations, graded (Scantron and written), held office hours, and proctored (depending on course need).
Additionally, I participated in the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA) to build connections across the Georgia Tech community. I served a Senator in the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) for two years. I also participated in multiple committees at Georgia Tech, both as a senator and a student representative.
During my time in the Student Government Association (SGA), I accomplished the following:
- Advocated on behalf of students both in Graduate Student Senate and university-based committees.
- Collaborated with undergraduate and graduate student representatives along with the university’s administration.
- Actively involved in the Student Activity Fee allocation determinations for 2 years.
- Involved in reviewing and approving budgets for over 400 student organizations, weekly reviews of bills, allocated funds from the Student Activity Fee (~$2 million), and ensured policy compliance.
- Participated in multiple committees:
- Joint Finance Committee (JFC),
- Joint Policy Response Committee (JPRC),
- Mandatory Student Fee Advisory Committee (MSFAC),
- Joint Campus Organizations Committee (JCOC),
- Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC).
- Participated in ad-hoc committees (governing documents available on the Georgia Tech SGA website for reference.):
- To rewrite the GSGA Constitution and Bylaws.
- To write the Joint Governance Policy of the SGA.
Recently, I was a graduate research assistant for Dr. Cassidy Sugimoto on the National Network for Critical Technology Assessment Pilot funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). I worked closely with the Block Center at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in developing a Workforce Insight Tool for the US labor market.
Currently, I am completing my research and working as a Research Analyst for the Block Center at CMU.