Portfolio of Work
Below I present samples of my work.
The majority are submissions from courses taken for the MS-GIST and Economics PhD degree programs at Georgia Tech.
Map Samples
Below I present maps I have made during my studies for various lab submissions and while completing MOOC courses.
You may click on the images to read details and see the images in full.
GIS Day 2021 Map Submission – Competition Winner
Below is my submission for the GIS Day Competition 2021 run by the City Planning department at Georgia Tech.

GIS Projects
Site Suitability Analysis – Quinoa
I conducted this analysis for the Environmental GIS course (CP 6541) in Fall 2020 at Georgia Tech.
Change Detection – Remote Sensing
I conducted a change detection analysis for Hall County in Georgia (USA) for Introduction to Remote Sensing (CP 6531) in Fall 2020 at Georgia Tech.
Predicting Educational attainment
For my final project in the Advanced GIS course, I analyzed whether spatial disparities in educational attainment in St. Louis, Missouri can be forecasted, and what factors contribute to the outcomes. I implemented a geographically weighted regression (GWR) for my analysis. The intent of this paper is to provide motivation for policies that may be implemented to address inequality in educational outcomes in St. Louis.
Capturing Changes in the Vegetation of Crimea
For my final project in the Introduction to GIS course, I worked with Ian Helfrich to model the effects of the annexation of Crimea and subsequent shut off from access to water from Ukraine.
I recommend opening the Story Map in a new tab to see the final product in full.
Select Course Projects
Visualization For Planning – Group Project
Description of task:
Imagine your team is starting a new planning project, and your client, the municipality, wants a final deliverable of your analysis work, planning / design concepts and / or policy recommendations, supporting images, and narrative.
Item Response Theory Project
Description of task:
Research project completed for PSYC 8060 (Item Response Theory) at Georgia Tech. In this paper, I estimate the effect the creation of single-sex classes has via the change in the sex ratio of coeducational classes. For the analysis, I relied on the replication survey data provided by the authors and used IRTPRO.
Sentiment Analysis of Enron Emails
Description of task:
Research project completed for INTA 8803 (Big Data and Security) at Georgia Tech. For this project, I worked with Ian Helfrich to conduct a sentiment analysis of the Enron emails using Python.
Modeling Ukrainian Corruption
Description of task:
Presentation for a research project I completed for EC0N 626 (Game Theory) at Indiana University in Fall 2016. I proposed a model to capture corruption of Ukrainian politicians, incorporating the introduction of asset declarations of government officials in Ukraine.